Ibaad - ur - Rahman
Home Ration Drive
Surah Al-balad, Ayah 14


Help families that are effected by the COVID-19 situation where the bread earners have lost their job by providing monthly ration to the families.


Partner with trusted sources to buy ration at affordable rates, and filter the candidates to identify deserving families, and deliver the ration to their doorstep (if possible)

Eligibile Donations

Sadaqah and Zakaat are accepted

Cost of the Ration Packages

Cost varries depending on the distribution area. For example, in Karachi it was Rs 3300 (approx. C$ 30) for a pack of ration covering a family of 7 for 10 days

Package Contents

A typical ration bag contains:

Sugar 5 kg
Wheat (آٹا) 10 kg
Basmati Rice (386) 5 kg
Hand Soap 3 bars
Daal Chana 1 kg
Daal Moong 1 kg
Daal Masoor 1 kg
Daal Masoor Black 1 kg
Daal Maash 1 kg
Salt 800 gm
Cooking Oil 5 ltr
Tea 385 gm