Ibaad - ur - Rahman
Home Poverty Alleviation Rickshaw Ownership Initiative

It is a famous quote

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”

Rickshaw Initiative Beneficieries Meetup

This initiative was started from our Zakaat pool to fund the individuals who are willing to invest their time, money and energy in earning respectable income for their families.

This group assists individuals by procuring new/used rickshaw taxi for them using the maximum possible monetary contribution the individual can come up by themselves and then filling the financial gap using funds from our Zakaat pool.

Selection of Candidates

The selection of candidate(s) was done through a vetting process conducted by our correspondent and lead in Thar, Sindh, Pakistan. Our lead does a thorough investigation of the genuine need of individual applying for assistance. So far, the candidates selected are the head of the family and have a large family to support.

These individuals are from very poor background. They are usually grinding under debt that they have accumulated due to the sickness of a family member or just to put food in front of their family.

Following is the story of a villager that we helped under this initiative.

A year ago, his parents passed away. He now has the responsibility of two sisters, a niece and one little brother besides his wife and two children of his own. When the parents were alive, the family was financially stable, and used to own a Motor Cycle Shop. However, they had to take on debt due to the parent’s illness in the last portion of their lives. After, the parents’ demise the amount of debt increased further. During the illness and the parents’ death the shop had to remain shuttered and now they can’t even afford to pay the rent for the shop. The villager’s grandmother couldn’t keep a sound state of mind after the death of her son passed away just before we could extend help to the family.

The villager was overjoyed upon recieving his Rickshaw. He insisted to give us a treat and took us to the city. But all he had was 10 Rupees with which he bought candies with which he treated us and the rest he donated to little children of a Madrassa. The level of joy that this little treat gave us is hard to describe in words. We pray that the Allah give lots of success to the people who donated for this cause and may He give them the opportunity to continue contributing to such good deeds.

Purchase Process

None of the candidate received 100% invoice price for the rickshaw purchase. Each candidate has to contribute part of it to make them realize the significance of the help extended to them. This also ensures that the candidate has an added incentive and responsibility to work hard. For example, if the purchase price of the rickshaw is Rs. 100,000.00, the candidate will arrange Rs. 35,000 to 40,000. The rest will be funded through Zakaat pool.

Progress and Monitoring

Alhamdolillah, this group has funded 10 candidates so far. That means, 10 families are now eating through respectable means. These candidates are not left unmonitored. They are asked to meet our lead on a regular basis and show their progress.

Following are some pictures and a video from meetups with the beneficieries on their rickshaws

Progress update meeting with rickshaw initiative beneficiaries

Progress update meeting with rickshaw initiative beneficiaries

Success Stories

Following are some of the stories of how the people that we have helped with the purchase of rickshaw are benefiting from this initiative.

In the following audio clip, Ibaad-ur-Rahman’s lead coordinator describes the how our first Rickshaw benefeciary, who was a labourer is now earning a respectable, stable income, has gotten married and living a happy married life.

This video is from a Rickshaw Beneficiaries Meetup in Thar, Sindh, Pakistan. All the drivers are explaining that they are, Alhamdolillah, able to earn a decent, honorable income through hard work and are sending their will wishes for those who have helped them